Thank you to everyone that supported us
Wow! Just wow.
What an incredible weekend we had a week ago. It was the 5th anniversary of the Rotterdam Taekwon-Do Cup. As always, we tried to exceed ourselves to make this edition a special one.
Anniversary medals thanks to our sponsor Trofeepaleis, a big screen thanks to our sponsor Top Ten Nederland, a renewed podium thanks to our sponsor Hego, Kraaijeveld and our partner Print-Station and of course Print-Station also made it possible to offer merchandise. Not to forget our other fantastic sponsors Matsuru, Bloem, Gimico B.V. and Bakker Prins. They supported this tournament massively.
Also our talented ambassadors Lorenzo, Margaux, Dylan, Yvie and Sabum Spencer have supported our event with endless effort. Proud to have Harvey and Harry Hollingsworth taking the baton from here, together with Niek Landman!
We’d like to give our volunteers a big shoutout as they made sure that everything went smoothly last sunday. It was a lot of work with lots of tasks to divide. But each and everyone prove us a fantastic job. Thank you so much. The photos that were taken by our photographers are already online. Please don’t forget to credit them for framing your memories of the day.
Thank you to everyone – participants, coaches, spectators – that has taken the time and has given us the trust by attending the Rotterdam Taekwon-Do Cup 2024. You all brought a great atmosphere, sportsmanship, tough level of competition but most importantly did your part to make it a day full of fun and Taekwon-Do passion.
Lastly we want to thank all referees and we hope you came nothing short of. We understand the importance of referees and we hope that you felt appreciated and enjoyed the competition from your side.
If we didn’t speak with you personally, we’d love to hear how you experienced the tournament and we really like to see you all back next year!
Marcel and Samantha